"There is one thing I found out in this life,
that there is no one any better than anyone else"
One thing I found out just now, is if you click on the individual picture it will come up very
big and detailed. Try clicking on the picture of the quilt and the pear tree blossoms.

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Inside the Quilt Shop
Pear tree in full bloom
Another favorite place to go...
The nicest spring day yet!

Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was May 29, and almost the first warm 70-ish weather of
the month. Can you believe... the whole month of May with cold or rain. I can't believe that the blooms and leaves are so slow to open this year. It was my aunt Norma's birthday, so my mom and I took her out to lunch and on a hike to Nara's Nature Trails. It is a long board walk path along the Sturgeon River to the Portage Entry. It was so sunny and warm, I got sunburned in the little more than an hour walk. After our hike we went to the Pilgrim River Steak house for lunch. It was an very enjoyable day--indeed!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Today's Quote

Ever come across a quote that really has meaning to you? One that pierces your heart, or makes you want to sing, chuckle or bring a tear to your eye? Today in Andy Rooney's syndicated column I found a few that I found striking. Here's one:
"In a conversation, remember that you're more interested in what you're saying than anyone else is." Andy Rooney
I hope to do one a day, hopefully with a picture to suit the quote.
Friday, May 23, 2008
I love my Mothers Day Card from son no.2
My baby's coming!

Will is coming in two weeks from today. He is not this little anymore, he is actually 1 1/2 years old. Mom and dad would not even want me to call him a baby anymore! But to me he is, I don't even get to see him growing day by day! They live way across the country. And he will be getting a baby sister or brother in the fall. I just can't wait till they come!
Add some sunshine to your life!
Have you
Noticed the
Great difference
Between the
People you meet?
Some are as
Sunshiny as
A handful of
Others come on
Like frozen mackerel
A cheery, comforting
Nurse can
Help make
A hospital stay
An upbeat secretary
Makes visitors
Glad they came
To see you.
Every corner of the
World has its clouds,
Gripers, complainers,
And pains in the
Neck—because many
People have
Yet to learn
That honey works
Better than vinegar.
You’re in control of
Your small corner of
The world. Brighten it.
You can.
Noticed the
Great difference
Between the
People you meet?
Some are as
Sunshiny as
A handful of
Others come on
Like frozen mackerel
A cheery, comforting
Nurse can
Help make
A hospital stay
An upbeat secretary
Makes visitors
Glad they came
To see you.
Every corner of the
World has its clouds,
Gripers, complainers,
And pains in the
Neck—because many
People have
Yet to learn
That honey works
Better than vinegar.
You’re in control of
Your small corner of
The world. Brighten it.
You can.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Our family in the 1960's
This picture was taken so many years ago! Mom came across this the other day, so we decided to take it to Office Max to make copies for all of us. I'm the oldest of 4 children. I was probably 10 here. My brother Tom was 8, Kathi was about 5, and Janice about 7-10 months old. Those were the days! What pleasant memories! Sad to think that dad is not with us anymore. It will 7 years on June 14. He was 81 when he passed away suddenly of a heart attack. Mom has remarried now for about 1 1/2 years. I'll write all about these memories sometime soon. 

30 years at Michigan Tech
Michigan Tech's employee recognition dinner

It was a nice evening at the Rosza
Center. John has 30 years in at Michigan Tech. Boy, it is hard to believe! Where did those 30 years go? It seems like yesterday--when the kids were little and he started working there. We'll be married 34 years in August.
This is the president of Michigan Tech--Glenn Mroz. He is presenting
the awards for 25, 30, 35, and 40 years of service.
I'm finally coming back to life here!!!
Hello y'all! I finally decided to update this blog. Sure looks sad with winter pictures and nothing since February. Where have I been? Well, I'm still breathing! My hearts still beating! I can walk and sing! To tell the truth, I've just been busy, and not taking any pictures to post. My life has not really been so exciting to write about. In fact its been rather boring to ramble on about. I hate to bore anyone reading here. And I wouldn't blame anyone for staying away and not checking my blog. Actually, I've only given my closest friends and family my blog site and info. Not too many in my family have computers, so they don't check in here. I see no one leaves a comment, so it must mean that i'm the only one here anyways. Thats OK, it is for my own fun to record my thoughts , pictures, daily doings, and family bits and pieces. I like to think of this place as a scrapbook, diary (not too personal, though), and a journal. I'm always coming up with ideas in my head of what I want to put on my blog, but really don't have much time to spend here. I'm hoping that I can do it in bits and pieces.
I just changed my heading picture to look more like summer is on its way. Winter is behind us finally! The picture was taken last summer of my hubby climbing the cliffs on Cliff Drive in Eagle River. A genuine Copper Country picture! He was out four wheeling on the way to Copper Harbor with my son Evan and son-in-law Andy. By looking at this picture you'd think he was quite the mountain climber. I believe they wanted to make it look that way! It really must have been a big drop on the rock behind him. I've only seen the view from the bottom and it sure is a long way up!
So, what have I been up to since February?
1. Work, work, work. I never ever dreamed that me--a part time worker would be putting in between 50 and 70 hours a week for almost a year now. I have been taking care (private duty care giver) of two people in thier homes. They are a brother and sister. A group of us do 24 hour care and we have been short on help, so I end up with more work than I really want. Then I also work on call at an assisted living facility. I really love that job, but do not get many hours. This summer I will get more with vacations coming up. I actually have 4 days off right now, which is like a vacation. I'm trying to get caught up with things at home.
2. I'm starting my spring cleaning these last couple of weeks. I'm organizing my craft room, finished painting my bedroom, made my new curtains for my room. I will post pictures of it soon. Next its washing walls and windows in the living room and shampooing the carpet. I want to paint the hallway upstairs, and the middle bedroom. I hope to get to gardening soon.
3. I went downstate in April to see my two girls and three grandkids, and my sisters and families. I drove down with my mom and Archie. It turned out to be such a disastrous trip as we got the flu. Everyone in my daughters house got two different flu's at the same time. I never was so sick with the flu in my entire life. It took me about a month to shake this. It took away my appetite and made me feel down, weak and depressed. I'm finally starting to get my energy back now and am trying to eat better. I lost 6 pounds--the only good thing about it.
4. I'm walking more with my dog. And I'm jumping on the mini tramp.
5. I'm catching up on my emails.
6. I'm finally joining the crowd--and decided to order a cell phone. It should arrive any day now. John just got one at work, for his own use also. Now my girls are excited that we can text each other back and forth!
7. When I have time I love to sit and read, and read and read some more. I'm trying to weed through my old books and give away or donate them. Even working on eliminating some of my favorite decorating magazines--boy thats hard to do!
8. I had my teeth cleaned this week and my pap smear done last week and a massage scheduled for next week. Charley (my dog) went to the vets today for his shots and check up. We found a couple of ticks on him yesterday which freaked me out.
9. Tonight we went to my hubby's 30 year recognition dinner at Michigan Tech. I will post the pictures taken tonight.
Well, thats about it in a nutshell! See how exciting my life is! Blah, blahh, blahh. I can tell you that if I didn't work so many hours I would be making my life much, much more fun and interesting!!! Oh yes, one more bright spot in my life-- my son Chad, wife Chelsea, and son Will are coming in a couple of weeks from Washington State. So I'm getting reading for them, hope to bake and plan for time off, and have fun seeing Will who is a year and a half. Gee, I have not seen him since he was two months old. My girls are hoping to drive up to visit also. I can't wait!!
I just changed my heading picture to look more like summer is on its way. Winter is behind us finally! The picture was taken last summer of my hubby climbing the cliffs on Cliff Drive in Eagle River. A genuine Copper Country picture! He was out four wheeling on the way to Copper Harbor with my son Evan and son-in-law Andy. By looking at this picture you'd think he was quite the mountain climber. I believe they wanted to make it look that way! It really must have been a big drop on the rock behind him. I've only seen the view from the bottom and it sure is a long way up!
So, what have I been up to since February?
1. Work, work, work. I never ever dreamed that me--a part time worker would be putting in between 50 and 70 hours a week for almost a year now. I have been taking care (private duty care giver) of two people in thier homes. They are a brother and sister. A group of us do 24 hour care and we have been short on help, so I end up with more work than I really want. Then I also work on call at an assisted living facility. I really love that job, but do not get many hours. This summer I will get more with vacations coming up. I actually have 4 days off right now, which is like a vacation. I'm trying to get caught up with things at home.
2. I'm starting my spring cleaning these last couple of weeks. I'm organizing my craft room, finished painting my bedroom, made my new curtains for my room. I will post pictures of it soon. Next its washing walls and windows in the living room and shampooing the carpet. I want to paint the hallway upstairs, and the middle bedroom. I hope to get to gardening soon.
3. I went downstate in April to see my two girls and three grandkids, and my sisters and families. I drove down with my mom and Archie. It turned out to be such a disastrous trip as we got the flu. Everyone in my daughters house got two different flu's at the same time. I never was so sick with the flu in my entire life. It took me about a month to shake this. It took away my appetite and made me feel down, weak and depressed. I'm finally starting to get my energy back now and am trying to eat better. I lost 6 pounds--the only good thing about it.
4. I'm walking more with my dog. And I'm jumping on the mini tramp.
5. I'm catching up on my emails.
6. I'm finally joining the crowd--and decided to order a cell phone. It should arrive any day now. John just got one at work, for his own use also. Now my girls are excited that we can text each other back and forth!
7. When I have time I love to sit and read, and read and read some more. I'm trying to weed through my old books and give away or donate them. Even working on eliminating some of my favorite decorating magazines--boy thats hard to do!
8. I had my teeth cleaned this week and my pap smear done last week and a massage scheduled for next week. Charley (my dog) went to the vets today for his shots and check up. We found a couple of ticks on him yesterday which freaked me out.
9. Tonight we went to my hubby's 30 year recognition dinner at Michigan Tech. I will post the pictures taken tonight.
Well, thats about it in a nutshell! See how exciting my life is! Blah, blahh, blahh. I can tell you that if I didn't work so many hours I would be making my life much, much more fun and interesting!!! Oh yes, one more bright spot in my life-- my son Chad, wife Chelsea, and son Will are coming in a couple of weeks from Washington State. So I'm getting reading for them, hope to bake and plan for time off, and have fun seeing Will who is a year and a half. Gee, I have not seen him since he was two months old. My girls are hoping to drive up to visit also. I can't wait!!
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