Tonight is Halloween and Leah carved our pumpkin a couple nights ago. It sure is nice to have her home again. I've had the empty nest for over two years now and my youngest decided to move home for a while till she goes back to school later. I have to work this evening so Leah and John will pass out the candy. Vanessa and Andy grew the pumpkins in their garden downstate.
The top picture is of a spooky sounding noise maker that Leah made last night. You take a plastic cup and put a hole in the bottom. Knot the yarn through the bottom. Wet the string and pull on it. Short pulls or long pulls. The sound should come through the cup. It is so cool! Our dog went nuts from the sound. He yipped and barked and could not figure what it was!!
I'm not a big fan of halloween, but its ok for the kids. I kind of hate the sugar and hyper my kids and I got from it. I also don't like the gothic or the way some go so into the creepy stuff. I never as a kid liked to dress up as a devil or ghost or a montser. It had to be something pretty, like a princess. Nowadays it all scary--the scarier the better.
My boss told me about a wedding she is attending tonight. It is totally gothic with the bride and groom dressed in black and riding off in a hearst. All the gory details of the wedding plans made me sick. Can you imagine the outcome of that marriage? I wonder what blessings they will have? Chains and swords are part of the attire!
Does anyone remember the days when we use to say "HELP THE POOR" at the doors instead of TRICK OR TREAT? I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit and that is what we all said. We sure were beggars then---poor beggars!