Thursday, February 12, 2009


She's a reader, a writer and a beginning poet!

Chloe's Poem

Little drops of water
dripping from the cloud
See the rainbow
See the sun
Oh! What a beautiful sight!

I love vintage things, especially vintage valentines!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I like these...

The doctor of the future will give no medicine
but will interest his patients in the care
of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause
and prevention of disease.

Thomas A. Edison

"A healthy body does not get sick"

By Nature Health Foods
The Ancient Secret

The healthier you become, the higher your energy level.

The higher your energy level, the better you feel.

The better you feel, the more you are able to use your
special talents to help everyone else... especially the people you love.

And then you discover the ancient secret:

Those who give the most, receive the most in return.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Valentine Month

I love this month with hearts flowers and LOVE!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Out my back window--this evening!

We sure don't see much sun lately. When I saw the sun going down in the late
afternoon, I thought "I must get a picture!" The snow just glistened in the sun
and looked like frosting on a cake. The shadows are so pretty! I went for a walk
earlier with my dog. The sun felt so nice, but ooooh it was cold, only 2 degrees.
I can't believe that right now it says 13 below zero on my computer.
And its usually right on with my outdoor thermometer.

Such a delightful day!

Saturday afternoon John and I went snowshoeing with three couples. Audrey and Gary live
in the country on a beautiful piece of property. The woods are deep and there is a big gully
with a small stream running through. They built their beautiful home, and also an outdoor
sauna. They are shoveling quite a path to the sauna this year! I wish I would have taken a
picture of it on the inside and out. Tom and Shirl and mom and Archie came with us. Mom
really did well hiking at her age with snowshoes. Actually, she may be better at it than I am,
as this is only my fourth time out on mine. Mom and Archie have been hiking in the woods on
snowshoes for a couple of years now.

As we hiked down the gully, we found a perfect spot to make a fire and roast hot dogs. They
sure tasted good! On the way back the sun was going down, so we went back to the house
for pie, cakes, cookies, and popcorn. We had a good hot sauna also.

We just caught a glimpse of the sun going down.
We almost missed it, as we were too busy eating

The fire's ready for the hotdogs!

Cooking hotdogs in the woods!

Audrey, mom, and Shirl, waiting for the fire to kick in.

Gary hiking on to make our trail in the woods.

My John moving down the trail.

Saturday snow scenes

These were taken in the woods near Gary and Audrey's house.
We hiked quite a ways into the woods on snowshoes. Sure was
pretty in there!

Three Pepper Steak

This is the recipe, I'm not sure if it will be clear enough to
to read. Sometimes it works to click on the picture and it
will come up large enough to see details. The little cookbook
is one of the grocery counter cookbooks that are around $3.99
Its called Chinese Favorites and has many delicous sounding
recipes that I'm sure to try. Wonton soup, egg drop soup,
cashew chicken, and chocolate macaroon rice pudding, and
golden treasure rice pudding all sound so good! Yum!!

My lovely new plate.

I love Chinese Food!!!

This is the new dish I made tonight. Its Three Pepper Steak
and is very good.

I used my new plates that I bought downstate at Home Goods for

$1.00 each. They were on Christmas clearance. Does this look too

Christmasy? I really don't think so. The red placemats are here

to stay through Valentines day. So what if they have snowflakes,

It's still winter!!

My yellow and blue kitchen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You Are What You Think

I get a newsletter in my email daily from Jordan Rubin, a naturepathic practitioner, author of a few books, and owner of the company Garden of Life products. He often has very good advice that I like to follow, and articles I like to print out and save to pass on to others. Today we are living in such tough times that we need a little lift, and need to try some things that will get us through the rough spots. We need hope, prayer, and some positive things to help us on our daily journey. This I found worth posting for every one.

Advice for Healthy Living
You Are What You Think

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)
What you do and say begins with what you think and believe. In the pursuit of perfect health, it's important to remember that the mind greatly influences the body and spirit. The human mind is a complex and wonderful "machine," sometimes referred to as the most powerful computer ever built. Like computers, we can process, store, and share information. And like computers, the information we put out is only as good as the data we put in: Garbage in, garbage out.
In most cases, the things we say and do begin with what we think. We can choose which information we accept and allow to become part of our way of thinking. In fact, we create many of our own problems through negative thinking, bad decision making, and poor dietary choices. By choosing positive, enriching ideas over negative, damaging ones, we significantly improve our mental health.
These choices, both positive and negative, directly influence our bodies and our spirits; a fact that reinforces the role the mental process plays in our overall health.

Jordans tip of the day:
Although it may seem counterintuitive, talking to yourself can make you more sane! But it's what's said that counts! We all try to be encouraging to our friends and family, but what do we say to ourselves? Give yourself a "Good job!" or "Way to go!" every once in a while and watch your mood brighten and your confidence grow.