Thursday, June 26, 2008

One job done, more to go!

Well, we had the carpet cleaned, windows and walls washed. Dust gone, clutter gone! Hope it will stay organized. I'm so terrible with clutter. Clutterbug is my nickname. I love books, magazines,
sewing, and crafts. So my living room and dining room table is often full of my stuff. I hate getting rid of my stuff. I like it out where I can find it. In plain site! I had a hard time parting with some of my magazines. I love Mary Englebriet's Home Companion, Romantic Homes, Country Homes, Martha Stewart, Mary Jane's Farm ( a new favorite), and on and on. I also collect craft and decorating books, I love to decorate with books and wish I had a spare room for a library. Just about every room in my house has a book shelf or two. I'm trying to weed through old books that I no longer want. I may give them to a friend who sells books. Or donate to Goodwill. I really could use a bigger house for all my stuff. I love garage sales, estate sales and second hand shops, gift shops, fabric stores, craft boutiques. I really need a bigger house!!! How did I ever raise four kids in this house?

Whats my style? Fresh country with a touch of Vintage and Victorian. Next time around decorating I'd like to go bright and bold with more arts and crafts!

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