Friday, August 1, 2008

Fresh Lake Superior Salmon

I'm quite proud of myself! I created a very good recipe for baked salmon. I bought the fresh fish on the way home from work at the fish market. I got home and realized I didn't have cracker crumbs to dip the fish in. So, I hunted through my cabinets for something to use instead and I came up with 6 ritz crackers in a baggie, some cheerios, and some dry instant mashed potatoes. I crushed them all and mixed together and added some of each of the spices shown above. I then dipped each salmon filet into some egg and milk, blended together and then into my dry crumb seasoned mix and put them into a pan to bake for 20 or so minutes at 375 degrees. Mmmm! it sure turned out good. The fish was very crunchy and flavored just right.

Notice the spices. I got the no-salt seasoning (organic) at Cosco. It is the best thing I've ever had for a spice mix. I use it in everything! Look closely at my salt shaker--its sea salt. Its unrefined and has 32 naturally occuring minerals. A very good for you salt. I've been using sea salt (now the unrefined kind) now for many years. I have a book I've been reading called SALT -Your Way To Health by David Brownstein, M.D. It tells the benefits of the right kind of salt. Notice how my salt has little specks of stuff in it and is kinda pinkish colored. The flavor is much better than refined table salt. The Blazing Blend Kansas City Steak Seasoning was from the Dollar Tree. Its pretty good with many different peppers.

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