Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So much to be thankful for...


Jubilee on Earth said...

Hi, there!! Thanks so much for stopping by and introducing yourself. It's so great to finally "meet" you! I started reading your blog this morning, and jumped right back in it this afternoon when I came home from work. I love your photos!!! You're right -- we have so much in common... I don't even know where to begin. I have to say that I love those old pics of you and your sister growing up. My mom was born in '51 (she passed away last year from ovarian cancer). But she and her siblings grew up in Roseville, and the photos are all the the same things. Same hair styles, same yards, same Christmas trees, same curtains -- I love it. I don't know if you knew, but I'm a huge genealogy buff, so those things are fun for me.

I'm so sorry about your husband's accident. It was difficult to read, and the pictures were hard, too. I can't imagine what that long ride from the UP to Ann Arbor must've been like. I'm sure he was made comfortable, but I bet it was tough. What a scary thing!

I just adore everything about your blog. Obviously the location is fantastic -- my very best friend's grandmother grew up in Hubbell, and she talks all the time about the pasties at Tony's Country Kitchen and summers spent "on the peninsula" at her grandmother's house.

I also love the food, the kids and the great country things you share. I love the vintage Valentines! I collect vintage Christmas ornaments. I could spend my whole life antiquing and never get tired of it.

Well, I'll have to ask God if perhaps he wouldn't mind us living in the U.P. I would love that very much.

Here's my personal email address in case you'd prefer to chat that way, versus me taking up space in your comments section. Thanks for your readership!!!

Happy New Year, and God Bless!!!


Jubilee on Earth said...

By the way, I am IN LOVE with your house!! The stained glass is exquisite, and the historical nature is so very cool!!!
